Kelir drink
Kelir drink

"It's not wise to overdo it, especially to start with," says Katie. If you're new to these types of food, start with just a small portion and see how you get on." 2. Kefir is also effervescent and so anybody who finds fizzy drinks makes them feel bloated may experience a similar effect.

kelir drink

"That said, somebody with digestive issues who hasn't eaten any 'live' foods before may find that ingesting live cultures could trigger some symptoms. But nutritional therapist Katie Clare, who specialises in gut health, explains that it isn't necessarily normal to have these symptoms. You may experience some intestinal cramping and constipation when you first try kefir. Are stomach cramps/gurgles normal when you first start taking kefir? It's important to remember that it's a live food, so can't 'go off', as such, but both the taste (it's sour and fizzy) and effect become more intense the longer it's fermented - most people find it more palatable earlier in the fermentation process.

kelir drink

Kefir is made by adding kefir 'grains' (which are actually a combination of live yeast and lactic acid bacteria that look a bit like tiny cauliflowers) to milk which is then fermented for 24-36 hours, after which the grains are strained out and the resulting drinking kefir is bottled.

kelir drink

This continued for a few days before eventually calming down (I can now tolerate it with no problems) but it did make me question whether kefir is right – and safe - for everyone. An hour later, I felt as though Tom and Jerry were slogging it out in my abdomen, and could feel every cartoonish 'pow' and 'bam' of the good versus bad bacteria power struggle that ensued. Somewhat late to the kefir party (especially for a health journalist – tsk!), I recently glugged back half a 500ml bottle (RRP £2.00), smugly assuming my daily spoonful of live yoghurt and regular acidophilus supplement had ensured my gut was already bursting with 'good bacteria' and the kefir would be left twiddling its thumbs.

Kelir drink